How Medical Animation Videos Help Explain Complex Cases

How Medical Animation Videos Help Explain Complex Cases

To ensure that the key themes stick with tech-savvy jurors and give them ammunition to use in jury deliberation, attorneys are using technology more often. Many courthouses have been renovated to include legal technology such as LCD projectors, monitors, and even Elmo technology.

One example of the popularity of courtroom exhibits is the growing use of medical animation. These visuals are powerful litigation tools for cases that involve surgeries, injuries, and more.

What are the benefits of medical animation videos for defense and plaintiff parties with complex cases? They can:

  • Demonstrate different perspectives
  • Clarify expert witnesses’ testimony or depositions
  • Untangle confusing timelines
  • Label anatomy & medical tools
  • Shine an accurate spotlight on any summary of injury

When forming an emotional connection with the jury or contesting for a higher settlement, a powerful story can tip the scales in your favor. To keep your case’s story simple and direct, ask yourself, “What story am I telling?”

Visualize Different Perspectives

To help the jury care about your case, it’s important to frame a compelling, fact-based story around your presentation. As every story has a main point of view, attorneys need to determine which one they want to highlight. It should be the perspective most critical to understand their case.

If your case involves a medical malpractice lawsuit, then a medical professional’s viewpoint offers a foundation for your story. For example, a surgery animation allows attorneys to walk the jury through the steps of a spine surgery in less than five minutes.

When medical legal graphics appear in the early stages of the legal process, some mediation discussions settle in one day. It’s a way for you to state, “I’m ready to go to trial, and I have the accurate and compelling materials I need to win over the jury.”

Curious about what medical animation videos could look like for your complex case? The legal video below was created to simplify a complex case, and helped the attorney secure a $3.25 million settlement.

Simplify Your Expert’s Testimony or Deposition

The sophisticated language of your case might make sense to you, but to an average juror, it makes it harder to connect to your case. Keeping it simple and empathizing with your audience is critical when using demonstratives such as 3D medical animation.

Imagine you are a juror during a trial, and an expert begins explaining how an injury impacted the plaintiff. With whatever personal matters are on your mind, there’s a good chance that you might become distracted while they’re speaking for long periods of time — which means you can miss key points.

Now, if that speaker also played a minute-long video, you would have a better chance of absorbing that academic knowledge and remembering it at a later date. Using demonstratives in such a way will ensure that the key themes stick with the jurors and give them ammunition to use in jury deliberation.

Humans are visual learners, and if the jury does not understand a topic or term, they might not be able to determine liability to the best of their abilities.

Medical Legal Graphics Still

Sample Medical Graphic from Courtroom Animation

A picture is worth a thousand words, and a moving picture is worth a million.

To avoid alienating the jury or other legal parties, share the core themes of your case through a trial animation, rephrase complex language, and collaborate with your expert ahead of time to ensure they keep it simple. When the jury trusts your expert, they will have a better chance of deciding a verdict that is in your favor.

One of your goals is to guide your audience through your client’s journey, which can be easily accomplished with medical animation videos. Remember that if you do use medical graphics, whether in mediation or trial, a medical professional needs to review them for accuracy.

Depict Dates & Timelines Accurately

If your case progressed to trial, then it’s vital that you help the jury understand your case quickly and accurately. Since the key incident did not happen the day or even the month before trial, a visual that clarifies the dates can start your presentation on the right foot.

“Trial is about [the] story. And the best stories paint a picture in the mind of the listener.”

Attorney Colin Jones of Wilshire Law Firm

Medical animation videos can also label any parts of the body that are critical for your presentation. A thirty-second court exhibit can impress, inform, and influence the jury.

Highlight Mechanisms of Injury

As no two injuries are the same, the medical facts of every civil case will always be different. Showing the jury a 3D animation is easier than verbally defining medical terms that they are most likely not familiar with and will struggle to remember.

Mechanisms of Injury Animation Still

Sample Still from Courtroom Animation’s Medical Animation Videos

For example, a traumatic brain injury can be hard to fully understand through text and verbal explanations alone. If your case has X-ray, MRI or other medical images, then a medical illustration can add labels for each body part.

A medical animation that showcases the mechanism of injury is an effective tool to help the jury determine liability. Additionally, it can persuade the opposing party to settle for a higher amount. Coupled with a comprehensive narration and timeline graphics, medical animation videos elicit a strong emotional response from your intended audience.

If Your Case is a Labyrinth, Medical Animation Videos are the Map

If you have a case that has multiple perspectives, then a medical animation is one of the most-used tools for attorneys to amplify the most important one. And, as medical professionals tend to accompany jargon-filled reports, data sets, or explanations, a visual facilitates comprehension for the jury or judge.

With a case that covers an incident that happened months or years ago, a timeline can clarify what events took place at what time. Any trial presentation that explains a mechanism of injury benefits from a visual that accurately labels parts of the body.

In short, medical animation services are a worthwhile investment for attorneys aiming to secure a higher settlement or verdict for their client.

Don’t risk a confused jury or a long settlement process — learn how your civil case can be strengthened by medical animation videos with a no-obligation quote today. Our experienced animation studio has a 99% admittance rate with over 2,000 cases.

Courtroom Animation - Free Checklist - How to Prepare Your Case for Working with a Forensic Animation Studio
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