Summary: A Fall and Ulnar Fracture
In New York, a woman was walking on a sidewalk when she tripped over a small piece of metal protruding from the bottom of a scaffolding tower. The abrupt fall caused an ulnar fracture as she tried to catch herself.
Courtroom Animation created an animation and litigation graphics to support the plaintiff counsel during the case’s mediation discussions. The defense party in this case was the construction company who oversaw the scaffolding at the construction site.
The mechanism of injury animation, which is featured above, helped the plaintiff receive a swift $175K settlement before trial.
Given the maximum demand value of the case, it didn’t make sense to bring in an expert witness. However, this presented a challenge for the plaintiff counsel, since there was no expert report or deposition, and the accident itself had no formal documentation. Matt Haicken only had the plaintiff’s explanation of the event and the X-rays of her injury.
The defense counsel’s argument was that the woman should have seen the metal piece, and reacted accordingly to avoid the fall. Without a visual or expert to offer more perspective on the incident, the plaintiff attorney’s case would have been significantly weaker.
Solution: Litigation Graphics & Animation
The injury animation highlighted the attorney’s key points on how the metal was too small to be recognized, and thus the defense was liable for damages. The visual demonstrated how the construction company was negligent by not removing the protruding metal on a busy New York sidewalk.
We ensured the accident animation video was accurate by referencing the plaintiff’s X-rays of her wrist injury and her account of the incident. This helped negate the defense’s objections to the use of the visuals.
Litigation Graphic Visualizing Plaintiff’s Ulnar Fracture Injury
Overall, the animation added more credibility to the plaintiff counsel’s argument at a significantly lower cost than retaining and deposing an expert witness. The animation’s perspective called attention to how tiny the piece of metal was, how the area was unkept, and how it was unrealistic to expect the plaintiff to see it while walking. It also demonstrated how the fall caused the plaintiff’s injury in an easy-to-follow manner to the judge, defense, and claims adjusters.
With litigation graphics and animations amplifying the plaintiff counsel’s argument, the defense reevaluated the strength of their case. In the end, they accepted liability and the final settlement resulted in $175K.
Courtroom Animation’s team of visual strategists, forensic animators, and legal graphic developers can create your law animation for any case involving:
- Personal injury
- Medical malpractice
- Car accidents
- Product liability
- Slip and fall
- Birth injury
- Construction defect
- Plane crashes
- And more!
Learn how litigation graphics can help you demonstrate the mechanism of injury and help you receive a favorable settlement today!